High School
Our High School comprises the ninth through the twelfth grades. The curricula encompass English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Career and Technical Education, and School to Work opportunities. At Indiana School for the Deaf (ISD) high school students participate in the development of their transition plan to be better prepared for their future endeavors.

The mission of the ISD High School department is to provide an educational, bilingual environment in which students feel safe, secure and unlimited in pursuing learning experiences to their maximum potential. ISD is committed to providing students with the encouragement and educational opportunities necessary to prepare them to become productive members of society. It is the ISD's goal is to assure that all students receive a well-rounded education that emphasizes high academic and social standards, promote healthy lifestyles, cultivate critical thinking and problem solving skills, develop technological literacy, provide for postsecondary and/or career preparation, and instill a desire for life-long learning.
ISD High School department is fully committed to providing each student with a well-rounded educational program in a bilingual environment leading to college entrance and/or career paths which will foster economic independence and social responsibility in the 21st century.
Our High School comprises the ninth through the twelfth grades. The curricula encompass English/Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Career and Technical Education, and School to Work opportunities. At Indiana School for the Deaf (ISD) high school students participate in the development of their transition plan to be better prepared for their future endeavors.
Incomplete Grades
An Incomplete (I) is given when a student does not complete the requirements of the course. The student must plan with the teacher to meet those requirements. Teachers must submit final grades for each student upon completion of the course or inform the principal what arrangements have been made to remove the incomplete. Accommodations for individual situations can be made by the principal if necessary. Each student has two weeks, 10 school days, after the last day of the grading period to fulfill the requirements of the course upon returning from an extended absence (three days or more). Any work not made up will be recorded as failing. Exceptions to this policy must be approved by the principal. The Formula for Calculating GPA of Weighted Courses
Advanced Placement (AP) classes will receive weighted grades. All AP classes will carry a weight of 1.5, unless otherwise noted, which will be multiplied by the number of semester AP courses passed divided by the number of semesters of high school completed. This quotient will be added to the GPA.
The completion of Core 40 is an Indiana graduation requirement. Indiana’s Core 40 curriculum provides the academic foundation all students need to succeed in college and the workforce. To graduate with less than Core 40, the following formal opt-out process must be completed: The student, the student’s parent/guardian, and the student’s counselor (or another staff member who assists students in course selection) must meet to discuss the student’s progress.
The student’s Graduation Plan (including four year course plan) is reviewed. The student’s parent/guardian determines whether the student will achieve greater educational benefits by completing the general curriculum or the Core 40 curriculum. If the decision is made to opt-out of Core 40, the student is required to complete the course and credit requirements for a general diploma and the career/academic sequence the student will pursue is determined.
Indiana School for the Deaf offers four kinds of diplomas: Core 40, General Diploma, Core 40 with Academic Honors and Certificate. A decision on a specific track is determined by a team of case conference, thus early planning is critical in assisting students achieve their goals and demonstrate readiness for post-graduation plans.
The Indiana School for the Deaf offers Advanced Placement (AP) courses for high school students. The College Board sponsors The Advanced Placement Program. The Advanced Placement Program (AP) gives students the opportunity to take college-level courses and exams while they are still in high school. Students may earn college credit, accelerated placement, or both for college. Students showing an interest to take an AP course must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or with the Director of Instruction’s permission.
Grade weights for all College Board Advanced Placement courses will be removed if students do not complete the scheduled AP examination for any reason. Cumulative class ranks and cumulative GPA’s will be retroactively recalculated for students who do not complete the scheduled AP examination in order to remove any grade weight advantage the student may have received for the course.
A new law, PL 91, requires all Indiana public colleges and universities including all two and four year institutions to award college credits for Indiana secondary school students that earn a score of 3 or higher on College Board’s Advanced Placement (AP).
Indiana public colleges and universities may require a score higher than 3 to award credits (score from 1 to 5) for a course that is required for a student’s major. If a college or university chooses to do so, it must still award a student elective credits that count toward his/her overall degree requirements to graduate from college.
Students enrolled in for AP courses are required to take the Advanced Placement exams in May.
The Indiana Department of Education pays for science and math exams for juniors and seniors, so there is no cost to ISD juniors and seniors for these tests. All other tests have fees. Currently we offer two AP courses; English Literature and Composition, AP and European History, AP. For a complete course description and other information regarding AP courses go to: https://apcentral.collegeboard.org/courses.