CAMPUS POLICE • VP: 317-493-0701 • V: 317-550-4874 HEALTH CENTER • VP: 317-493-0497 • V: 317-550-4818
The Bilingual/Bicultural Philosophy provides language acquisition and facilitates proficiency in two languages, American Sign Language (ASL) and English. By providing an enriched academic and cultural learning environment, our Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing students develop a sense of identity within the Deaf community. Students also develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to function effectively with members of a multicultural, diversified community.
Enrollment questions may be answered by calling 317-550-4858 or videophone 317-493-0479 or by email at or visit admissions.
Student records, to request a copy of school records or transcript, click here.
Meet the Education Leadership Team
Assistant Superintendent of Education
Kim Kause
Middle & High School
Andy Alka
Middle & High School
Assistant Principal
Annette Tavernese
ECE & Elementary
Amanda Probert
ECE & Elementary
Assistant Principal
Laura Hill
Related Service Coordinator
Yvonne Weinstein
Transition and Guidance Counseling Coordinator
Mimi Fetzer
Interpreting Services Supervisor
Carrie Martin
McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (reauthorized under Title X, Part C of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001) ensures rights and services for children and youth experiencing unstable housing. This federal law removes barriers to education for students in need. According to the U.S. Department of Education, children and youth living in the following situations are considered homeless (this definition is unique to schools):
Doubled up with family or friends due to economic hardship
Living in motels or hotels for lack of other suitable housing
Runaway children and youth
Homes for unwed or expectant mothers for lack of a place to live
Homeless and domestic violence shelters
Transitional housing programs
Abandoned buildings or on the street
Public places not meant for housing
Cars, trailers, and campgrounds
Migratory children staying in housing not fit for habitation
McKinney-Vento Resources
Please contact the McKinney Vento Liaison at your student's school for further information:
Kim Kause, or 317-550-4853